Home » Off the Race Track » CARDIGAN FLASHMAN

Cardigan Flashman 2013 born gelding Doonbeg (CAN) x Ayr Flight. Won 6 races from 34 starts, winning at Wolverhampton, Corbiewood, York, Ceredigion and Tir Prince.  He won £5,370 in prize money and had a record of 2.00.2.  He retired from racing in 2020

Bethany bought Cardigan Flashman (aka Flash) just over a year ago in 2022.  Having not ridden for about 5 years Bethany was looking to get back on a horse and saw Flash advertised on FB and off she went to view him.  Things didn’t bode too well as she was told he didn’t canter, had bucking issues and didn’t hack out alone etc. Nevertheless, she decided to ride him in the arena and as she mounted him, he spooked across the arena!  But there was something about him and two weeks later he was at home with Bethany.

Having got Flash home, she soon realised that he did have a lot of issues and a lot of anxiety. He managed to get Bethany off, her sister off and their instructor off … so it was back to basics.   A lot of slow work in the arena, to reduce is anxiety and build his confidence.  His confidence grew by hand walking him and hacking out in company.  Napping was an issue if they hacked alone, but improved and now he really enjoys it and even Bethany’s 6 year old daughter has ridden him.

By now they are enjoying weekly flatwork and jumping lessons and he has finally got the hang of cantering.  Flash has now competed in open dressage and Standardbred Specific dressage and managed to place well every time. 

Bethany said she was absolutely thrilled when they recently did their first show, he was second in the in hand Standardbred Class and third in the ridden Standardbred Class.  Great result knowing where they were a year ago.   Bethany reflects that it has been quite a journey “I never thought we would get to where we are now, so anything extra he does now is just an added bonus for us.  He has been described as a problem horse in the past.  I was told I should sell him or that I’m too soft with him, but I think proof is in the pudding and patience pays off.  My advice to anyone thinking about getting a standardbred (especially an ex racing one) is do it!  Once you provide them the patience and understanding they are the most willing and quick learning breed.  It can take time to retrain and your goals may not always be achieved within the time frame you have set, but once this has been reached, it feels like the biggest reward.  I would urge anyone to consider this loving and versatile breed”

Standardbreds Off the Race Track

Although Standardbreds are primarily bred for harness racing, as a breed they are capable of excelling at a variety of different disciplines and pursuits whether that be for pleasure purposes or competitively.

In this section of our website, STAGBI would like to showcase some of the wonderful Standardbreds who have gone on to add a variety of different skills to their repertoires irrespective of whether they achieved success on the racetrack or not.

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